MS Express Samina (Greek: Εξπρές Σαμίνα) was a RORO passenger ferry built as MS Corse in 1966 at Chantiers de l’Atlantique, St Nazaire, France[2] for Compagnie Generale Transatlantique along with her sister ship MS Comte De Nice. In 1969 she was transferred to Compagnie Generale Transmediterraneenne. After six years service, the company changed its name again, to SNCM to which she was transferred. In 1982 she sailed from France for the last time as she was sold to a Greek company, Stability Maritime, to operate their Italy-Greece-Israel route under her new name MS Golden Vergina.[1] In 1988 she was sold to the Agapitos Bros for service in the Aegean sea without name change under Agapitos Lines. In 1999 she was sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins, again for service in the Aegean, renamed MS Express Samina. The boat sunk in September 2000 after hit the reef of Portes islets [3] at 18 knots.
Max depth 37 m
Visibility 20 m
Average water temperature 21 C
Prior dive experience advanced diver +20 dives